
The opinions expressed herein are solely of the author. This is not an attempt to convince anyone of anything, and the author encourages the reader to arrive at his/her own conclusions. 

It all started with the Chicago World Fair. Hosted in 1893, pictures of it appear to be from another world completely. A world steeped in beauty, elegance, timelessness, and harmony with sacred geometry. A world that has seemingly long passed, yet speaks to me on a deep, intuitive level.    

What happened? Why were all these beautiful structures that once dominated the American landscape destroyed? And for what purpose? This line of questioning eventually led me down the rabbit hole of the "Tartarian" theory. What is the "Tartarian" theory? Well, for the purpose of clarity and brevity, let's let Chat GPT explain:

"The Tartarian conspiracy theory is a complex and often convoluted belief system that proposes the existence of a highly advanced and technologically sophisticated civilization known as Tartaria, which supposedly flourished in various parts of the world, including Russia, China, and parts of Europe, before being deliberately erased from history by a global cabal or elite ruling class.

Proponents of the Tartarian conspiracy theory claim that this civilization was far more advanced than mainstream history acknowledges, with achievements such as free energy technology, advanced architecture, and a global communication network. They point to various architectural marvels, such as ornate buildings, elaborate city layouts, and intricate infrastructure, as evidence of Tartarian influence.

Central to the Tartarian conspiracy theory is the idea that this civilization was deliberately expunged from historical records by powerful interests, such as the Freemasons, Jesuits, or other shadowy groups, in order to maintain their own dominance and control over humanity. This erasure allegedly involved the destruction of Tartarian cities, the rewriting of history books, and the suppression of archaeological evidence."

From what I've read online (and there are many diverging theories which makes it quite difficult to pin down a cohesive narrative), the main idea of Tartaria is that there was once a highly advanced civilization that conquered America long before history tells us it was conquered. This advanced civilization built fantastic and ornate structures across the country, which were eventually repurposed by the "new" ruling class and largely destroyed post 1900. 

Old Wayne County Building in Detroit, Michigan. An example of supposed "Tartarian" architecture.

Personally, I don't know if I believe all that, although there are some curiosities. To me, the idea of "Tartaria" is similar to that of Narnia. More than anything, it's an idea. An idea that we should cherish beautiful things. We should preserve history, and attempt to live our lives in harmony with nature and sacred geometry. Beauty should be admired in the world and we should do everything we can to preserve it. 

I like living around old, beautiful things. That's why I live in New York City. I enjoy beauty, and beautiful architecture inspires me. I resent buildings that are solely built for purpose, with no focus on the importance of beauty and aesthetic charm. I think the things we live in should inspire us, and not just be places we're meant to survive in. The world can be a beautiful place, if we will it to be. 

If that makes me a Tartarian, then so be it. 

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